Federal Job Searches with Kathryn Troutman

Kathryn Troutman has been providing advice on federal job search for at least three decades.
You can learn more about her at https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathryntroutman/
She now provides advice through her blog, podcasts, and books.

Blog: At her website, www.resume-place.com/blog/, you can find links to articles on such topics as:
— Be “Race Day Ready” on Your Annual Appraisal and Federal Resume – Top Ten Tips, November 13, 2023

—  The Art of Writing Your Best Accomplishment Record (AR) Stories, October 24, 2023

— The Right Resume Gets the Federal Job, September 22, 2023, and–  Are YOU Still Using a Big Block Resume? August 28, 2023

Podcasts: In addition, on her YouTube channel (www.YouTube@KathrynTroutman), you can find podcasts by her and her team.
Some were recorded 5 or more years ago and may no longer be relevant.
Some recent (2020 to date) podcasts include:
—  Five best federal resume writing tips
— How to write a federal resume, interview with Kathryn Troutman

— Announcement analysis (how to analyze a vacancy announcement)

Books for Sale: Finally, on her website (https://resume-place.com/books/), she offers hard-copy and e-books for sale, including:

— Federal Resume Guidebook
— Jobseeker’s Guide
— The Stars Are Lined Up for Military Spouses
— Student’s Federal Career Guide

Caveat:  Like other profit-seeking career coaches, she presumably provides some information for free in the hope of inducing you to buy her services.