
by Ron Sheinson, April 1, 2020

More people are communicating via video imaging. As a nerdy photographer, I offer these comments on using a camera for displaying a speaker / head-plus shot. This was written after recently viewing many internet presentations, from many different sources.

Consider this common scenario: A recruiter reaches out to you about a great job. You agree you are well qualified, and you like the location, salary, and company. You submit your resume, but then hear nothing. Or you get the interview, but then hear nothing. Or you are a semifinalist, but then hear nothing.

If you were laid off — that is, lost your job through no fault of your own — unfortunately you have lots of company.

Summarizing your life in only three minutes can be a daunting challenge unless you are well-prepared for it.

In the previous issue, we discussed phone interviews, and today we move on to Skype interviews.

Your interview for a new job does not begin when you sit down with your prospective employer’s hiring manager.

Just as your real job interview begins well before your formal interview, which we discussed in the previous column, so too your interview does not end when you leave the interviewer’s office. Rather, your real interview continues through your follow-up actions. At a minimum, you don’t want to burn any bridges by being pushy. Beyond that, through the steps listed below, you can improve your chances of being hired.

prospective employer likes your resume, he or she will likely arrange to interview you. Increasingly, that interview will be conducted by phone.