Summer Jobs, 2024—Where to Look

by David Marwick, KempMillJobAssist

January 28, 2024

If you are looking for a paid or unpaid job or internship for this summer, here are three sources to consider.

1.  The federal government

You can find information on most federal jobs, including summer jobs, at

You can search that site for

— keyword (such as “summer), department, agency, and job title, and

— location, such as city and state, or remote.

Please note that the closing date to apply for most of these jobs is fast approaching, including some that close this week.

In addition, about two dozen agencies (such as the Library of Congress and Public Health Service) are not included on that site.

You can find a list of such agencies at:

So far as I know, you have to search the website of each agency that interests you.

2.  Montgomery County

Many County government offices offer specialized opportunities to intern or volunteer.

These include the County Council, Department of Environmental Protection, and Department of Health and Human Services.

You can find this list at:

You are eligible if you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at an accredited college, community college, or university, or if you graduated from such a program. 

I also found a list of summer jobs in Montgomery County (including a few outside the County) at:

3.  Your network

Many non-governmental offices and businesses hire paid and unpaid summer interns to fill in for vacationing workers, to accomplish tasks that regular employees don’t have time for, etc.

I don’t know of any comprehensive list of such jobs.

Ask your friends’ parents and your parents’ friends whether their organization is hiring anyone for this summer.

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